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Data Science for Learning

Course, MIT, CMS.594 / CMS.894 (Fall'21)

Education Design Studio

Co-lead unit on Learning Analytics

Workshop, EC-TEL '16

Pedagogically Grounded Emotional Design for Learning Analytics.

Lead discussion the intersection Emotion Learning Analytics and Pedagogy

Interactive Session, AIED '21

Teacher Moments: a digital clinical simulation platform with extensible AI architecture.

Lead interactive session demonstrating three use cases for the AI architecture in Teacher Moments

Workshop, LAEP '16

Key messages from 6 learning analytics case studies.

Co-presented findings from 6 case studies on what works in Learning Analytics

Workshop, AIED '18

Ethical Considerations at the intersection of artificial intelligence and emotional

Presented ethical issues that arise when considering how AI interprets emotional expression in text

Organizing Committee, LASI '14

Learning Analytics Summer Institute

Co-organized the Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI)

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